Farewell from outgoing PACIE Executive Director Christina Good

 June 30 quickly approaches and with it the conclusion of my 25-year role as PACIE’s executive director. What a mix of bittersweet feelings. I’ve had the honor and privilege of working for an organization whose mission of intercultural connection, collaboration and understanding are as relevant and needed in 2024 as it was when PACIE was founded in 1969. While the overarching mission has remained primarily the same, PACIE’s goals and activities have reflected the needs of the times. The annual conference has always been the opportunity to showcase best practices throughout the state and to bring together interesting, thoughtful people to address the topics of the day. So many interesting collaborations have been generated from these gatherings: student scholarships; professional development workshops on risk management, health and safety; task force on global education legislation efforts; working with the Pennsylvania State Modern Languages Association to encourage the adoption of world language standards by the PDE; working with the Pennsylvania Department of Education to create a way to identify global education curricula on the PDE’s website. This is just a sampling of the successes. There are too many to specifically name. Happily, more are coming down the pike.

What started out as an organization focused primarily on study abroad and international visitors for higher education has grown to include world languages, nonprofits, K-12, curricula development and every aspect of global education, from in-person to virtual experiences.

I’ve had the joy of working with a wonderful assembly of people over my 25 year tenure. David Larsen, Angi Yucas, Brian Whalen and Pam Frigot welcomed me as Executive Director and introduced me to many in Pennsylvania’s global education community. Galen Godbey, Michael Simmons and Janet Haner were followed by Michelle Saylor, Deanna Baird and Jurate Krokys. More recently Jeff Whitehead, Eric Hartman, Nicole Stokes and Jesse Phillips. This is only a few of the many wonderful people whose company and ideas I’ve enjoyed. Just when I think one outstanding group of board members will be hard to beat, other people transition onto the board to become a new dynamic group.

I have full confidence that PACIE will continue to follow its longtime path of global education outreach and advocacy while remaining flexible to changing times. I look forward to my new role as Director Emeritus and to see where and how PACIE travels. Please join us on this continuing adventure.

Christina Good
PACIE Executive Director, 1999-2024
PACIE Director Emeritus, beginning July 1, 2024