Get Involved
PACIE represents colleges and universities, high schools and elementary schools across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. PACIE also represents the commitment that we know you also believe in: helping to make Pennsylvania the nation’s leading state in global education. Join us and help realize PACIE's vision: Global-Ready Graduates for Pennsylvania's Future.
Become a member!
PACIE seeks to build a coalition of educational institutions and like-minded individuals and organizations who will support kindergarten through university preparation of global citizens.
Membership in PACIE provides you with discounts to the annual conference, regional workshops, roundtables and other members only events.
Become a member today and join us in our shared commitment to improving global education for Pennsylvania’s students.
Our advocacy work - Wednesday August 26, 2015, PACIE visit in Harrisburg to meet with the PA Secretary of Education Dr. Pedro Rivera.
From left: PA Secretary of Education Dr. Pedro Rivera, former PACIE President and Pitt Study Abroad Office Director Jeff Whitehead, Educational Consultant Dr. Michele Sellitto, former PACIE President and Eastern Lancaster Superintendent Dr. Robert Hollister. Pennsylvania Department of Education
Attend the Conference!
Learn more information about our annual conference!
Join a Committee!
PACIE has several active committees, which add value to the overall organization and further PACIE’s mission, vision and goals.
Conference: Plan and manage the annual conference
Education Programming: Create education-focused initiatives and programming, including webinars; includes leveraging resources already in existence, primarily through members and sponsors and in coordination with Title VI higher education institutions, PACIE Vice Presidents, and Pennsylvania Department of Education
Marketing & Communications: Update the website; curate content and post on social media; collaborate to disseminate monthly newsletter
Membership: Actively engage current members; identify and engage potential members & sponsors, as well as other partners
Committees are open to any interested PACIE member. Join today and add your voice and energy to producing Global Ready Graduates for Pennsylvania’s Future!
Join the Board of Directors!
PACIE members interested in playing a larger role in the organization are invited to seek placement on the Board of Directors. It consists of 20 members who make the critical decisions for the ongoing initiatives and future pursuits, all of which are aimed at furthering global education in the Commonwealth. PACIE aims to attract board members from a variety of different organizations and entities including K-12 teachers and administrators, higher education study abroad and international student service professionals, public sector officials, and individuals from private sector companies and non-profit organizations with global interests.
Term: The standard board term is four (4) years.
Position Description: Each board member is a full voting member. In addition to board membership, there is an executive committee consisting of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. These positions are based on nominations from the board membership and rotate on a yearly basis unless consistency of leadership is desired for longer-term projects. Additionally, the board is managed by the Executive Director who is not a full voting member of the PACIE Board of Directors but facilitates much of the discussion, event planning, and logistics for the board.
Duties: Each board member is expected to:
1) Attend all regular meetings of the board including retreats prior to and following the annual conference in October as well as a spring retreat in April/May.
2) Attend all regularly scheduled calls as a board, once per month via conference call.
3) Join and maintain active participation on one of the board’s subcommittees: Advocacy, Conference, Education and Events, Marketing and Communications, and Membership.
4) Attend any subsequent calls as may be relevant for committee work.
5) Present proposals to the board and comments on proposals brought to the board by others.
6) Vote on issues presented for a board vote.
7)Vote on recipients of PACIE awards.
8) Maintain active participation at the annual conference, inviting a guest who might serve as a future board member or ally for the organization or global education in PA.
Questions about board membership or the nomination process may be directed to