PACIE Membership & Sponsorship Opportunities
for 2024-2025

PACIE membership today includes educators from Pennsylvania’s two-year and four-year colleges and universities and K-12 schools, as well as businesses and community members. PACIE membership is available at group and individual levels. Please see the list below for tiers. 


Member Type and Benefits

Membership Fee

Individual Memberships


Student / recent graduate (no full-time job; 18 years of age or older)







Institutional Memberships 
All employees of a member institution are eligible for free PACIE memberships.

Global Learning Advocate (K-12 Schools)
  • Logo appears on PACIE website and conference materials
  • Opportunity to co-host 1 webinar with PACIE during the calendar year
  • Opportunity to partner with a PACIE-member higher education institution to enhance and support global education


Global Learning Champion (for small, community-based PA non-profit organizations)

  • Logo appears on PACIE website and conference materials

  • Exhibitor table at PACIE conference

  • Opportunity to feature 1 event/program in PACIE newsletter and social media during the calendar year

  • Opportunity to co-host 1 networking event with PACIE during the calendar year


Bronze Institutional Member 

  • Logo appears on PACIE website and conference materials

  • Mentioned on conference background slides periodically during day


Silver Institutional Member 

  • All benefits from Bronze plus

  • One (1) complimentary conference registration

  • Further amplified on conference background slides periodically during day

  • If applicable, space to share materials at conference


Gold Institutional Member 

  • All benefits from Silver plus

  • Two (2) complimentary conference registrations

  • Featured on conference background slides periodically during day

  • Table space to share materials at conference


Platinum Institutional Member 

  • All benefits above plus 

  • Featured recognition throughout online and in-person PACIE programming 

  • Recognition as one of the few, pivotal institutions providing funding to support PA educator attendance at PACIE events 

  • Four (4) complimentary registrations at the annual conference

  • A table at the annual conference (or its equivalent if virtual) 



Become a member today and join us in our shared commitment to improving global education for Pennsylvania’s students. Join Today!